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Festive Decor with Colourful Interior

By The Mind of An Architect | Jan 03, 2022 | Architecture

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The holiday season is approaching, and this is the time of year when your home will be inundated with visitors. So, if you're considering improving your home's design, you're making a prudent and reasonable decision. Keeping this in mind, a festive home makeover may be accomplished by making little modifications throughout the house to get a fantastic home decor effect.
Here are five ideas to help you decorate your home for the holidays.

Make a positive first impression:

Your renovation ideas should begin with the first space guests encounter when entering your home. For example, to provide a bench near the entrance where guests are expected to remove their shoes. The entrance should also be well-organized and illuminated by a great lighting fixture after the initial greetings have been exchanged, set up a table where guests can put their gifts.

Play around with your living room furniture:

The living room is where you meet and entertain your guests; it should focus on decorating ideas. Rearranging your existing furniture is the simplest approach to improving your living room design. For example, cover your sofas in bright fabrics and stack them in one room area. This would ensure that the guests have a comfortable and casual conversation.

A special location for sweets and gifts:

Make sure you have a special layout near the kitchen where you can serve the sweets easily while entertaining your visitors. Also, clear a shelf or two in your cabinet to accommodate the gifts. This will make it easier for you to distribute the gifts when they arrive.

Unique decor:

Festive looks and feelings can only be achieved through colours. As a result, choose vibrant colours wherever feasible. For example, the living room's curtains, sofa, and cushion covers should be vibrant and colourful. Then, with golden lights, add some additional colour.

Set aside a portion for children:

Festivals are about friends and relatives getting together. However, if you don't plan, your lovely dream could become a nightmare with children rushing around. This is why it is critical to have a separate children's zone. Prepare a place where the kids may play or watch their favorites cartoons while the grownups enjoy themselves.

Enhance the balcony's appearance:

The balcony takes centre stage in the festive decorations. However, it may be made to look lovely in various ways. Repurpose a hula hoop into a light fixture for an eye-catching addition to your patio. To ensure that the hula hoop can hang flat, wrap it in jute thread and tie a three-way knot. To make a DIY chandelier, wrap this structure in fairy lights and allow some of the strands to hang from it. If you want to make a big statement, utilize just one strand of coloured lights.

Colour can completely transform a space:

The living room can be converted for the festival season with a few quick alterations in this area. To draw attention to the bright display of cushions, choose sheer drapes in lighter colours.

Use pillows in a contrasting colour scheme to create an eye-catching display on the bed. Arrange the pillows and cushions so that they are sitting up straight. This can help to provide height and depth to the bedhead and let you experiment with colours, such as pairing sea green pillow coverings with purple bed linens. To add additional festivity to a space, choose a bed runner with huge designs in brilliant colours.


Small changes can sometimes have a large impact. For example, your room can be transformed into a festive ready home by strategically placing smart furniture and accessories. All you need is a little imagination and the appropriate furniture!

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