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How Can Architecture Benefits Certain Sections of Society?

By The Mind of An Architect | Oct 10, 2021 | Architecture

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In terms of design requirements, the dwellings are often less complex but crucial for well-being since they are the spaces in which individuals spend most of their time. Throughout the historical times as well, architecture has been acting as a representative of the societies, reflecting the success, values, and civilization downfall with time. From the buildings, monumental structures to residences, there is a lot to learn about the individuals who were the inhabitants. 

However, domestic architectural theory and the building rules tend to be ignorant of issues connected to the interface between healthcare and interior design. Even public health issues, such as indoor air quality and thermal comfort, are typical. 

Here is how architecture can benefit certain sections of society:

1. Architecture should meet several criteria. One of its aims is for itself. Many believe in the autonomy of architecture as a discipline. The objective of architecture is to create new knowledge forms that connect to the improvement and promotion of the field itself. In a sense, this is inseparable from the architectural performance or performance in terms of its responsibility to engage with society as a whole. There is an intentional dimension to architecture in specific ways that supplies the symbolic concepts of living and, generally speaking, serves the human race.

2. Architecture is art, science, psychology and sociology, economics and politics, and more. The design approach at HMC Architects includes spending extensive time understanding the client, community, and environment before drawings are ever started.

3. The imprint of society has always been evident at every point in the history of architecture. When kings were in prominent architecture, palaces and palace buildings, etc., were particularly concerned. The architecture was reflected during the battle in building forts, castles, etc. The belief in religion has led to the erection of temples, mosques, and cathedrals, etc., and the architecture of the industrial revolution is manifested in the building of industrial buildings, factories, etc., and the creation of residential facilities for workers. Architecture cannot be divorced from material living conditions, the manner of life, and the social and political framework of the community. One of the fundamental functions of high civilization architecture was to bring importance to the physical surroundings of humans.

4. Sometimes, the power of architecture to bring people together rests more in the building's programming than in the spatial shape itself. Space is, in this case, a container for any joint function; hence the careful combination of activities drives social interaction. The church's central nave provides a scene of numerous activities during a single ordinary weekday, from yoga classes to ping-pong, cinemas, theatre performances, music events, while also functioning as a cafe and a great dining area. Sharing lunch with approximately 200 people from all sorts of backgrounds at length at dinner tables is without sure an element of cohesiveness within the community. The wide range of events produces a vibrant environment, complemented by its informal environment.

5. Architecture, unique among creative and artistic professions, must always represent its age and cultural context. Design and create architecture takes time, money, and collaboration (from financiers, civic officials, builders, architects, and more). It's not in a vacuum and can never really have one author. Architects are working with tens of thousands to shape their buildings and a deeper and richer one along this chain.

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